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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Warren View Hotel

The Warren View Hotel is located at 2 Stanmore rd, Enmore (cnr of Stanmore and Enmore rd).  They have two pinball machines - A Red and Ted's Road Show  ($2 for 5 balls) and a Monster Bash ($3 or $5 for 2 credits - 5 balls)

Update: The Warren View now has Theatre of Magic, The Avengers (Hulk LE) and Spider-man machines

We arrived at the end of the night, not realising the Warren View had a midnight curfew, so only got a quick go on each.  But they are both great machines.

Road Show is fairly distinctive for its two creepy heads and its tendency to shake like a bulldozer during play.  I've only played this briefly once before and, as stated, only got a quick go this visit. There is plenty going on, seems to have a fairly deep rule set, is in good condition and I will be coming back to have a proper go when I get the chance.

My time will be split though, as Monster Bash is also a great machine that I look forward to spending more time with. I won't go into details about the machine as I only got one play through, and had had a few beers by this point, but it seemed simple with a lot going on.  Perhaps I'll peruse this tutorial video before i return and learn the rules to get the most out of it.  After all it is $3 a go, which, along with Medieval Madness at the Landsdowne makes it the most expensive Pinny in town

On the positive side I felt that it was worth the little extra money, or at least I'd be willing to pay the same again for another go.  On the negative this just made it all the more frustrating that the staff, or at least the security staff, seemed to not understand.  Last drinks were called and then we were asked to move on, but we were in the middle of a game of Monster Bash.  We managed to hold out till we were done but with the security asking us to leave every couple of minutes, clapping to get our attention while we were mid-ball it was all very distracting and ruined a great little game.

The Warren View also has two pool tables, a Big Buck hunter and a 2012 Goldeen Tee machine.  But I wouldnt bother sinking any money into them any later than about 11:45pm or you may not get your moneys worth.

Anyway, a bit of a shame that the closing time ruined the experience but I'll go back to try these two great machines again... I'll just start earlier in the day next time.

1 comment:

  1. Theatre of Magic is buggered: the magic trunk is broken / locked up.
    There is also now the Terminator 3 machine here instead of the Avengers. Spider man is still here.
