The Town Hall Hotel - or The Townie - is located at 326 King st Newtown, right next door to Newtown Train Station.
They currently have four machines available. The three down stairs are Family Guy, Addams Family and Revenge From Mars. Upstairs, near the pool table, is a Simpsons Pinball Party machine.
The machines are all 5 ball and are $2 a credit except for Family Guy which is $3 a credit or $5 for 2 credits. They are all in very good nick and The Addams Family machine seems to have had some extra toys installed including a Polar Bear and a lightbulb-biting Uncle Fester on the Electric Chair. I dont believe there is any change in game play but as I've played Addams Family plenty of times before I didnt give it a go this time.
In fact, despite the price bump, I only played the Family Guy machine on this occassion. It seems like a pretty good machine with plenty of interesting shots and features to complete, I'm just not sure why the price hike.
Previously I have seen this pricing around town on Medieval Madness machine at the Lansdowne and Monster Bash at the Warrenview (All three sites are Player one sites). I have justified the extra expense on these machines in my write up of the venues, both are very rare and desirable and are hard to find in good condition, let alone the pristine condition these are in. However the Family Guy machine is new and yet to stand the test of time as far as desirability. I can only assume that being a new machine has set the price.
Actually maybe its to help pay off the fantastic beer holders affixed to the legs of each machine. Every pinball should have one.
At any rate the other machines available are also well worth a play. The Addams Family is a classic and, once you get used to the Pinball 2000 features, Revenge From Mars is also a great machine (though no match for its predecessor Attack From Mars). If you're interested in the story of this machine, and it's only counterpart Star Wars Episode 1 I recommend checking out the documentary Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball.
Anyway, the fact that there are four pinball machines here is just one of the reasons that the Townie is a great pub. With Live music, a good bistro, a TAB, Trivia nights and a genuine pub feel this is the best pub in Newtown. Check out whats on, and when, here. Or head there on the last Sunday of the month for Electric Sundays.
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